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Porsche Scrapbook

The Porsche Scrapbook is a place where Porsche dealerships can come to review campaign work done by the agency over the course of the previous year.

With an extremely tight deadline, we went from nothing to a fully built website in the space of 2 weeks. Using the Porsche style guide as a starting point, the site utilises white space, typography and the campaign creative produced as its focus. The result is a concise and easy to use experience for the Porsche dealerships.
The Website is a horizontal scrolling piece. As the user scrolls, the campaigns scroll though horizontally in a fluid motion. Clicking on a campaign leads to the relevant campaign page.
Mobile screens below. Using an all device first methodology, all screens were designed and developed simultaneously. The result was a seamless experience on all devices.
The campaign pages followed a templated approach. Each campaign page houses the assets produced. This included video/print/mobile and digital assets.
At the end of the project i ran an internal workshop on the construction of the site. The documents below were created to show team members how the site was built on the Webflow platform.
Role in project : Lead design, Art direction & Front-end build
Agency : Tribal Melbourne


Tribal Australia / Website Design